

Helios is a machine that tests blood in less than 15 minutes. It tells you step by step how to do the test. A sample is needed, insert it into a cartridge and then insert the cartridge into the machine. The process takes about 5 minutes at most and the machine is capable of detecting viral load in less than 15 minutes.

It was an express project and the interface was designed in just two weeks. The communication was direct with the people of HP and all the needs of the client were captured to apply them in the design of the interface.

Capable of detecting 3 different types of tests and expandable to many more. Depending on the cartridge that the machine is reading, it recognizes it and the interface shows you information with the color of the corresponding test. 

Selene is a machine that offers the same
technology as its older sister,
sacrificing precision but increasing versatility.

Two machines were designed. Helios, a large one with a much higher accuracy and Selene, a smaller one, not as accurate but more portable that did not need to be connected. In addition, this second version is placed on a charging base with its sisters.